Physician information on this website is collected through work experience and online research. They may not be the most updated, please confirm it with the medical provider. You can contact us to update any misinformation.

Dr. Veena Bonde





Language(s): English
Area of Specialization:

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Subspecialties/Highlights of Practice:

Dr. Bonde specializes in obstetrical care and gynecological care, which includes colposcopy, endometrial ablation, gynecologic oncology, hysterectomy, infertility, menopause and tubal ligation.

Cities of All Locations:

Mississauga ,

Primary Office Address:

Suite 304, 71 King Steet West, Mississauga ON L5B 4A2

Office Telephone: 905-949-1111
Referral Requirements/Attachments:

Referral with relevant lab results, imaging and CPP. For OB referral, please attach antenatal results: latest pap test, antenatal 1&2, prenatal bloodwork, urine analysis, IPS and ultrasounds.

Hospital Privileges:

Trillium Health Partners - Mississauga Hospital


Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

Parking: Paid

Active Member:


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