Physician information on this website is collected through work experience and online research. They may not be the most updated, please confirm it with the medical provider. You can contact us to update any misinformation.

Dr. Bob Brock





Language(s): English
Area of Specialization:

Orthopedic Surgery

Subspecialties/Highlights of Practice:

Dr. Brock does sports medicine and non-surgical orthopaedics consultations of arthritis, sports injuries, sprains/strains, frozen shoulder/rotator cuff syndrome, arge joint injections and orthropedic diagnostic challenges.

Cities of All Locations:

North York ,

Primary Office Address:

1333 Sheppard Avenue E., North York

Office Telephone: 416-494-7431
Urgent / Semi-Urgent Referral:


Referral Requirements/Attachments:

Referral with relevant lab results, imaging and CPP.

Other Locations That Accept Referrals:

Suite 201, 220 Duncan Mill Road, Toronto, Tel: 416-494-7396 Fax: 416-494-0129

Hospital Privileges:

Manitoulin Health Centre, North York General Hospital - Branson Site/General Site

Message/Update From Clinic:

Dr. Brock's main office opens on Monday to Thursday, from 12 - 4 pm.

Active Member:


Profile Updated On:
